Ruling the world is easy and dystopia never sounded so good. Travel in the space between the rational and the emotional, the electronic and the symphonic, the normal and the unexpected. This is the of...Read More
This is the title music for the original play “Bravo Avenue” by Bret Carter. Covert glances. Playing it cool. Nothing to see here, move on. Or click the download link below. Then move alon...Read More
“The Princess and the Fool” is the soundtrack to the play of the same name written by Bret Carter. Set in the time of castles with moats and juggling pirates, it has a certain renaissance ...Read More
This is the title music for the original play “Apocalypse Meow” by Bret Carter. We are so captivated by our feline friends. Perhaps the paranoid are worried that they are actually playing ...Read More
It’s time to get old-timey! These tracks are in the spirit of the live accompaniment for silent films in the 1920s. There’s drama! There’s melodrama!!! These were create to accompany...Read More
“The Last Mission of Cassini Seven” is the soundtrack for the Hyland production of the same name. The play features sci-fi space adventure and the music is tailored to suit. The music is a...Read More
I’ve finished the theme song for “She = MC^2.” As the play is set in the 1950s and has both a love story and a nuclear theme, you might hear something like it in an elevator or a 195...Read More
I’m really excited to share this project with you. This is the first band project I started recording. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but we started in 1999. We recorded 10 songs and started...Read More
“The Chamber of Keys” is the soundtrack for the Hyland production of “Finders Keepers”. It features dynamic and suspenseful symphonic music to heighten the sense of adventure. ...Read More
I was asked to develop a theme song for the stage production of “Good Day Nimrod.” As the play centers around competing news shows, I wrote the lyrics to be ambiguous as to whether it was ...Read More